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Been a busy summer, but I spent some time continuing the work I previously wrote about the brute-forcer,  This time working through the Lynda coursework to iterate on the brute-forcer to add convenience and analysis capabilities:

  • Take screenshots
  • Capture the MD5 checksum to compare the file contents
  • Record number of words and characters in each file and the time to load
  • Filtering and coloring based on return code
  • Filter for only certain file extensions.

These new capabilities rely on Selenium, a browser automation utility, and PhantomJS, a scriptable headless browser.  The convenience features are nice.  I have not been able to get automated screenshots to work.  All seemingly works well except a zero byte PNG file is created.  I am assuming the issue is related to the nuance of having Kali installed on a MacBook.  These graphics challenges are difficult to debug.  I experienced a similar graphics issue working with Hashcat last month as well.

That’s a long way for me to say I don’t think I’m going to invest the time to get the screenshot capabilities working.