
Structured Big Data Analysis

I completed the Programming for Data Science with Python nanodegree at Udacity. The program was outstanding. It was formatted in a way that I really like to learn: a short video lesson, a short text recap/expansion of the content, and then a portion to practice what you learned. This course had three main technical objectives and two capstone projects.

Focus 1: SQL, Beginner to Advanced

The first objective was to learn SQL. This portion included a realistic capstone project using SQL to analyze a movie rental company with multiple locations: movie categorization, rentals, customer data, employee workforce data, and payment information. This portion of the class was excellent and moved from basic SQL all the way through the most advanced, yet practical, uses of SQL that anyone would expect to use in a real business scenario. The capstone project required an executive summary be presented to management which I’ve embedded below–go full screen to see the details. The capstone projects are independently evaluated against a rubric.

Management Capstone Presentation

SQL Code For Each Slide

Objective 2: Python, Beginner to Intermediate

The second objective of the course was to take Python from beginner through intermediate. We covered the value proposition of Python (great for data, great for big data, great for sorting, great for analysis), syntax, and Pandas and Numpy libraries. The capstone project for Python was outstanding. We created a full blown application for reading Bike Share data from three cities: Chicago, Washington, and New York City. The data was already cleaned and well structured. Total transactions were about 1 million, give or take.

Python Capstone Project

A walk through of the data analysis of the Bikeshare program.

Python Code

I’ve also uploaded the code to GitHub if you’d like to fork the project.

Objective 3, Terminal + GitHub

The final technical objective of the course was how to use the UNIX/Linux Terminal and GitHub. As a 14 year daily Ubuntu Linux user there wasn’t much new or me in this portion, but still a good quick refresher.

Putting It All Together

As courses like this go, I think the best learning comes in the form of the capstone projects, applying the skills in our day jobs, and using the skills to tackle personal projects. I won’t recap these in depth, but I very much enjoyed putting my new skills to use on several personal projects: